Banbury to Belchers Lift Bridge

A slow day today with a visit to motor factors to buy glue to re-fix bolts to our hopper windows and to Tooleys to buy some brass bolts to re-fix a fairlead which got sheared off in Birmingham by stopping the boat using the centre-line and a lock bollard when we got a plastic bag around the propeller.

As we came through Banbury lock we met another Pom on his way back home to Brisbane who had just happened to stop at Banbury for a coffee & to kill an hour or so. A visit to Banbury Sanitary Station was occasioned to do some domestic boaty stuff and a visit to Morrisons for provisions (for Catty) and lunch.

DSCF2300Eventually we were away and met boaters to chat to at almost every lock, really feeling as if we were on home ground (or should that be water?) we decided to moor up before Aynho near the delightfully named Belchers Lift Bridge (more tea Vicar?)



DSCF2299There’s a railway line just across a field which is full of sheep and a compound for contractors upgrading the rail line but it all seems quite peaceful at present even got good TV and internet.


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