An Australian in Banbury!

American in ParisNot quite An American in Paris or in truth even an actual Australian in Banbury, but a friend from Australia was aboard Wrens-Nest yesterday. Marilyn (aka Maz) paid a flying visit to us yesterday before returning back home. We made the most of our time together with Sunday lunch at the Barley Mow at Upper Heyford, a short cruise through Banbury with instruction in using a lock and a drink or three in the evening.


DSCF2293Although Maz has lived in Perth for 20 years she’s still hasn’t taken Aussie citizenship and is still a Swindon girl at heart who likes a beer, I tell her they don’t have proper beer “down under” so we had to sample some real ale.

We started off in the Old Auctioneer, seduced inside by a member of staff promising Duelling Pianos later (a la Jules Holland), but though the music was good, the volume drove us away as conversation became impossible and when you only see someone every few years time to talk is precious.

We did meet some Americans who had hired from Oxfordshire Narrowboats who were similarly discouraged from patronising the pub which was a great shame as it had a good atmosphere and decent beer. We moved on to the Grand Union pub (someone should tell them the Grand Union doesn’t come as far as Banbury) that too disappointed as it was almost empty with only three people at their Poker Night and a selection of real ales “coming soon”!

Probably just as well we had to be on our way to Heathrow at 5:00am this morning to take our friend to catch her flight back to The Antipodes. [Yawn… Good Night]

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