Back onto the canal system

Today we covered our last stretch on the Severn leaving Worcester at 11:30am when the rain abated (Joy said “Rain before seven.. Clear before eleven” and she was right) and travelling non-stop up to Stourport on Severn, arriving at 3:30pm.

DSCF0179 We passed through the last two Severn locks in the company of ‘Half a Shilling’ and arrived at their home base of Stouport together, which was just as well as they talked us through the intricacies of the two, double staircase locks and the route through the basins. 



DSCF0183 We were soon joined by another boat as we waited on the moorings and were grateful of the help of their crew as we followed ‘Half a Shilling’ through the staircases and wound our way to the waterpoint and through York Street Lock on to theDSCF0180  Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, finding moorings for the night right outside the Bird in Hand pub.


This pub seemed to be something of a local’s local as it is well tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac but surely has potential for developing it’s canal based business and although remaining open late it was a quiet enough mooring.


Catty seems none the worse for her swim but spent all day ‘resting’ on the settee, only coming to life at suppertime!

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