Upper Heyford to Twyford

The day started in a leisurely way departing from below Allen’s Lock after waiting for the morning rush hour to subside 😀

IMG_0564 We passed through Heyford Common Lock before reaching Somerton Deep Lock which Joy was dreading, in the event there wasn’t much problem except Joy couldn’t manage the lower gate on her own (well the lock is 12’ deep = big gate) so I had to climb up the lock ladder and help. We stopped for an extended lunch at Somerton Meadows (really nice) as a side wind was blowing hard and making it difficult to get off the bank!

Another stop at Aynho Wharf for a “pump out” (empty the loo) and to fill the water tank. Catty is always a great conversation starter and at Aynho Weir Lock Joy got into conversation with a lady who completely misunderstood which cage Catty was kept in when we are travelling and thought it was the birdcage which holds our wren’s nest. I could hear the laughter back on the boat when her mistake was explained to her 😀

We tested my new invention, a ratcheting windlass which now has Joy’s seal of approval for those troublesome, heavy paddles.

IMG_0581 We travelled as far as Kings Sutton Lock before mooring up just before Twyford Wharf for the night at about 6pm. Tomorrow we head into Banbury where we will do some shopping!

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