Twyford to Banbury

IMG_0589 Although we didn’t notice it last night we awoke to the droning of traffic on the M40 so that just might have coloured our decision to be a little more disciplined today and make a fairly early start, we also wanted to get into Banbury and do some shopping.

There was only Grants Lock to negotiate which pleased Joy.

IMG_0590The rural scenery which we had enjoyed so far continued right into the outskirts of Banbury with a surprisingly attractive park but as we travelled a little further the scenery became a tad more industrial!

IMG_0592We moored up just outside the  town and went to collect our mail, including a pair of walkie-talkies so I don’t have to shout at Joy at the locks, I had a haircut at Graffiti (how cool am I?) bought an anchor at the historic Tooley’s Boatyard and did a shop at Morrisons. After returning to the boat we brought it up through Banbury Lock and moored up right in the middle of town next to Castle Quays shopping centre. I wonder if tonight will be as quiet as rest of the journey so far.

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