Onto The Avon

IMG_0765 Today we ventured out of Bancroft Basin at Stratford and down onto the Avon, I had been a bit worried by all the guide book’s talk of strong currents and weirs but like the Thames it was quite gentle at this time of the year at least. Even the locks were well maintained and quite easy to use despite being three times wider than the narrow ones on the Stratford Canal.

IMG_0773 Graham & Judy had guests for the day and we all enjoyed a relaxing day down the river stopping for a riverside picnic lunch on the way where we found a new friend who wanted to see what we had in our kitchen and was friendly enough to take food from my hand.

It was quite novel to frequently be able to see the bottom of the river after the muddiness of canals, Graham said he saw fish; we certainly saw lots of fishermen who often seemed less than pleased to see us. We stopped at Bidford on Avon where we found moorings outside the Frog pub to re-unite nb Katherine’s visitors with their car and stayed there for the night.

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