Kingswood Junction – The Lapworth Link & on towards Stratford upon Avon

Kingswood Junction Our route today took us up to Kingwood Junction, the water level was very low and made for slow progress, I even stopped to check if there was anything round the prop at one stage the engine was working so hard.



IMG_0704 On reaching the junction we hung a left under the bridge and then through the Lapworth Link, a short short stretch of canal that links together the Grand Union and Stratford-on-Avon Canals, its not much wider than our boat and when we emerged into Kingwood Basin it was full rudder and much power to turn us to face the right direction… but we did it… without the aid of the bowthruster 😀

Fleur de Lys We were back to narrow locks again here and progressed down in light drizzle and as it got heavier, decided to call a halt at Lowsonford opposite the Fleur de Lys Pub where we intend to eat tonight and one of its claims to fame is that it is the pub where Fleur De Lys pies, well known throughout the land’s chip shops, originated!

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