Hello to the Severn & Gloucester Docks

IMG_0851 We left the Avon through Avon Lock and were soon making our way down the River Severn which sure looked big and wide. Within a few minutes we were at Upper Lode Lock and wow wasn’t that big, the biggest inland lock in the country the lockie proudly told us, he was really helpful and talked me through the process and was very careful to let the water in gently and re-assure us that, despite the size of the lock the rise and fall would only be 4 feet.

IMG_0853 We were soon on our way again and apart from encountering a tacking sailing dinghy and a speeding Dutch barge it was plain sailing :P    By lunchtime we were at the Boat Inn Ashleworth, but just our luck it was closed on Wednesday lunchtimes (some kind of pattern here?)

So off we went again and at the Upper Parting, just 3 miles from Gloucester Lock, we phoned ahead to the Lock as required but got the answering machine, thinking he was at lunch we pottered down slowly and phoned again at the ½ mile marker when we got through and were told to wait at  IMG_0860Gloucester Quay Wall and grab hold of the chains as soon as possible to keep out of the pull of the river towards the weir. It all sounded quite scary but we managed OK and soon the lock traffic lights turned green and in we went.



IMG_0861The Lockie, Mike, was again helpful although Joy managed to pinch her fingers when the boat drifted forwards. Soon the ordeal was over and we were into the docks and on the Visitor Moorings.

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