… and there’s another week gone!

This week has been odd job and do it yourself week we have enjoyed being moored up against Acorn No 5 whilst Chris has been doing several jobs on it for John. I  have learnt how to get over stiles properly as there is one to get out from his garden.

We seem to have spent half the week in Wickes and Maplins, I was left in the car, nobody would even do that to a dog in this heat!

We moved the boat yesterday such a long way…the other side of the canal to the 48 hr moorings so as Chris could put his tools on it from his workshop at the Wharf. This resulted in us sawing his big tool box in half to accommodate it on the boat. Phew what hot work! Mitch, bless her, was an angel in disguise and bought me a coke and helped Chris lift in his dad’s tool chest (which Jeremy, our son, is going to have) into the car. That was mighty heavy!

I went along to Upper Heyford to join in their low impact exercise class, I thought this would build up my muscles for all those locks I have got to face….

We really enjoyed having visitors pop in yesterday, the crew of Marjorie B called in as they were on their way to the pub.

Catty put on her sad face, “Please let me out of my cage they are mean to me.” she doesn’t mean it, as soon as she is let out she wants to get back in, I think she thinks of all those mice she is missing.

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